Friday, April 8, 2011


Jasper Johns

"...when you begin to work with the idea of suggesting, say, a particular psychological state of affairs, you have eliminated so much from the process of painting that you make an artificial statement, which is, I think, not desirable. I think one has to work with everything and accept the kind of statement which results as unavoidable, or as a helpless situtaion. I think that most art which begins to make a statement fails to make a statement because the methods used are too schematic or too artificial. I think that one wants from painting a sense of life."

Alex Katz Says (2)

"I think nature's just a vehicle for art."

Richard Serra

"What I decided is that what I'm doing in my work right now has nothing to do with specific intentions...If I define a work and sum it up within the boundry of a definition, given my intentions, that seems to be a limitation on me and an imposition on other people of how to think about the work. Finally, it has absolutely nothing to do with my activity or art. I think the significance of the work is in its effort, not its intentions. And that effort is a state of mind, an activity, an interaction with the world."